Dulverton Weir Restoration Project
Dulverton Weir Restoration Project Booklet 2024 (click image)


Tenants of some houses in Dulverton (known as ‘Copyholders’) were required to carry out work on the weir and leat as part of their rent. Examples of Copyholder records can be viewed here.
How was the Weir built
Project Design Document for Dulverton Urban Watermill Landscape Community Archaeological Project July/August 2020
Dulverton’s mystery culvert        Our research into the mystery third (unused) culvert under Dulverton Laundry.
Leat Cobbled Floor Identification of the original leat cobbled floor following a visit by expert Martin Watts and recollections of the cobbles from Bryan Harrison:        The group hosted a visit by Martin Watts, a respected historic building researcher and mills specialist. Whilst walking the Dulverton leat Mr Watts was able to identify the original leat cobbled floor behind Dulverton Town Mills.Read more in the above linked document.
History of Dulverton's Mill Quarter Sept 2015 A History of Dulverton’s Mill Quarter by Peter Romain and Philip Hull:         Further work is required to definitively identify when Dulverton’s Watermill Landscape (weir, leat and watermill system) was originally built, most experts believing it to have been constructed in the 11th or 12th centuries. The Watermill Landscape still visible in Dulverton gives clear indications of the town’s importance as an industrial centre and has implications for our understanding of the history of the town itself.Read more in the above linked document.
Dulverton Weir Report on the history, structure and condition of Dulverton Weir:         The weir is located on the River Barle on the upstream side of Dulverton. The Dulverton mill leat starts at Weir Head, where it leaves the river Barle to flow south through the western side of the town before rejoining the river south of Dulverton bridge.Read more in the above linked document.
How was the weir made How was the weir made? 
Also appears in “Report on the history, structure and condition of Dulverton Weir.”
Read more in the above linked document.
People around Wheel Discovery of original casting patterns in Dulverton Laundry: 
Read more in the above linked document.