Exmoor and its ecosystems. A View of Colonial Exmoor By Leonard Baker. Taken from the Exmoor Society Review 2023 and republished here with their kind permission

View here…


Exmoor Waters and Rivers Report by David Jury – the most comprehensive survey of the waters and rivers of Exmoor known to DWLCT

View here…


A Bridgewater & Taunton College Creative Arts Dept film about the weir using music by Vaughan Williams kindly provided by Sir Anthony Pappano and the London Symphony Orchestra

View the Film Here…


Somerset Otter Group – Results of the 2024 Otter Survey

View The Results Here…


An academic paper from The Mills Archive Trust with history of Paper Mill House in Lady Street, Dulverton

View Dulverton Paper Mill Paper

Emoor’s Native Sheep and their Wool. Past and Present by Lindy Head, Academic Associate of DWLCT

Archaeological Dig to find original leat cobbled floor 2022     

Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society      The history, structure and condition of Dulverton Weir Peter Romain – Peter Romain

A discussion document by the West Somerset Flood Group
June 2014      


Working Rivers:

The Geomorphological Legacy of English Freshwater Mills


Westcountry River Trust’s 2021 Annual Review

View the review here…


Somerset Otter Group – Newsletter 2022


Archaeological dig on remaining ancient weir structure 2021


Locating the Language in the Landscape:
 – Dialect in Exmoor National Park, by Meriel Martin MSc, Academic Associate DWLCT.


Wool and Water
– an enduring partnership in Exmoor and the surrounding area, by Lindy Head, Academic Associate DWLCT.


Somerset Otter Group

January 2021 Somerset Otter Group Surveys and Newsletter. 



English Heritage; River Fisheries and Coastal Fish Weirs



Exmoor Society; Exmoor Review – Dulverton Leat in 1980



British Film Institute; Dulverton Textile Mill.

Dulverton Textile Mill traded at Weirhead adjacent to the weir from 1957 to 1984. Although the textile machines were powered by electricity rather than water, the history of Dulverton as a textile town meant the industry continued in a small way. The mill closed in 1975 due to the recession. It subsequently re-opened and closed again in 1984 with the last order being for material for nurses uniforms. Peta Mannering the Owner/Manager was interviewed in this film in 1975, mill workers make some prescient remarks about the town losing its industrial base turning Dulverton into a town for retired people with youngsters being forced to move away.  


Barle River Jelly Lichen Report 2014

Rivers of the Anthropocene: the Chicago River. Dr Matt Edgeworth, Academic Associate DWLCT.                                    

Rivers as material infrastructure: a legacy from the past to the future. Dr Matt Edgeworth, Academic Associate DWLCT.                                    

Westcountry Rivers Trust Confluence 2018

Exmoor National Park
Historic Environment Review

Somerset Otter Group
Update on Somerset Otter Group dead otter survey
Somerset Otter Group’s 2018 – 2 day otter survey results are now published and can be found on their website.
Environment Agency Saprolegnia in wild salmonids update
Gamefisher. The 2018 yearbook of Salmon and  Trout  Conservation UK.                                           Available in the DWLCT Academic Resource in Dulverton Library
Otter footprint identification by Somerset Otter Group: March 2018                                             
Report of the Wild Trout Trust Report of the Wild Trout Trust commissioned by DWLCT: August 2016.                                           This report is the output of a visit undertaken by Mike Blackmore of the Wild Trout Trust on approximately 700m of the an old mill leat connected to the River Barle at Dulverton, Somerset.Read more in the above linked document.
Archaeological Survey July 2016 Archaeological Survey of the Weir-and-Leat System at Dulverton, West Somerset by Matt Edgeworth: July 2016.                                           This report outlines the result of an archaeological survey carried out in Dulverton, West Somerset, in very wet conditions on March 29th 2016. The aims of the survey were tightly focused on measuring water levels along the leat relative to water levels in the river, and to see what the results might reveal about why the weir and leat were laid out the way they were, perhaps shedding
light on the rationales of the original builders of these structures.Read more in the above linked document.
Dulverton Urban Watermill Landscape featuring in a conference at University College London Institute of Archaeology Annual conference: April 2016.                                           Read more in the above linked document.
Hazel Riley November 2015 Historical research and recording assessment of Dulverton Town Weir by Hazel Riley: November 2015                                           An assessment of the structures which make up Dulverton weir, together with research into its history, has shown that there was a weir on the site since at least as early as the mid- 16th century. There is the potential for the survival of more of the historic weir in an area known as ‘the island’. The work has also highlighted the history of the mill buildings at Dulverton and suggests several areas where further research and survey is needed.Read more in the above linked document.
Dendrochronoligical Analysis extract Report on Dendrochronological analysis of oak stakes from Dulverton Weir by Dr Andy Moir: 2014.                                           Measured tree-ring series from thirteen stakes recovered from Dulverton Weir are matched together to form an 87-year site chronology, which is dated to span AD 1717 to AD 1803. Two stakes probably converted from the same tree are identified to have been felled around AD 1784. The dating of just these two stakes provides tentative evidence for a phase of construction or repair around AD 1784.Read more in the above linked document.
EA guide to riverside ownership Living on the edge. 2014                                           The Environment Agency guide to your rights and responsibilities of riverside ownership.Read more in the above linked document.