The Dulverton Weir and Leat Conservation Trust was formed to repair and conserve Dulverton’s ancient Urban Watermill Landscape for future generations.
The system had fallen into disrepair but kept going, just about doing its job. A general lack of awareness of the the weir and leat’s historical importance, lack of monies and the fact that the leat was, after all, still working, conspired to allow the gradual decline of the system, particularly the structural fabric of the weir.
Things came to a head when, in December 2012 a tremendous flood caused a large breach in the weir; this in turn led to the leat running dry in 2013.
It was at this point that the town woke up to the prospect of losing its beautiful weir and leat. Temporary repairs were carried out by West Somerset Council (its owners – now known as Somerset West & Taunton Council) in 2013 and 2014 giving time to begin to put together a rescue plan to secure the system for the future.
Helped by our partners and also by Historic England, Leicester University, The Environment Agency and the Wild Trout Trust we have embarked on a journey to save this historic asset (known by academics as an ‘Urban Watermill Landscape’).
The project goals are:
(1) The restoration and conservation of Dulverton’s historic weir and leat structures,
(2) To use the opportunity presented by restoration to improve surrounding habitats, wildlife, flora and fauna,
(3) Recognition of the ancient structures of the weir and leat as a heritage assets and ensuring their future protection,
(4) To tell the story of Dulverton’s Urban Watermill Landscape, its 700+ year heritage and its place in the history of the town,
(5) To create the potential for future significant contributions to the local tourism and sporting economies.
We hope that you become as enthusiastic about this project as we are.
The trust has an excellent group of volunteers who already carry out small scale maintenance and conservation works whilst the trust raises the funds it needs to carry out large scale conservation and preservation works.