You may receive communications from Dulverton Weir & Leat Conservation Trust because you have subscribed to our mailing list, or you consented, or asked, to be added to the mailing list at one of our talks, meetings or social events. We are grateful for your support and are committed to protecting your privacy.

We hold just your name, e-mail (and sometimes postal) address, which we use to keep you updated on the progress of the Dulverton Weir & Leat conservation project, or to invite you to one of the various fundraising or information events which we hold.

This information is accessible only to Trustees of the charity.

We do not disclose or share this information to any third parties, nor do we process it, or use it to make “special categories of personal data” about our supporters.

Our site does contain links to websites of our Partners and Academic Associates. If you follow one of these links please be aware that they have their own privacy policies which may differ from ours and that you should check their privacy policies before submitting any data. 

You can opt out of receiving communications from us at any time by contacting us by email – or by telephone 01398 323526